I’ve made a public commitment.
I've joined the #100DaysOfCode Challenge.
— Mukil Elango (@mukilane) December 17, 2017
What is 100 Days of Code ?
The 100 Days Of Code Challenge is a self imposed challenge to build our habit of coding everyday. It was created by a developer, Alexander Kallaway. It relies on the concept of purposeful practice, where mastery can be acheived through constant delibrate practice.
“If we follow the mastery process long enough, inspired by a profound interest and curiosity we cannot fail to achieve something exceptional.” — Robert Greene
With any challenge comes our procastination. In order to mitigate that, the challenge requires us to make a public commitment, like on Twitter using the hashtag #100DaysOfCode. The commitment would be even more effective if we make it to our friends circle.
The first few days are important. Once the pace picks up, we get stuck with it subconsiously. At the same time, overcommitment would also prove inefficient. There has to be a balance.
One of the important rules of this challenge is to encourage others to join it. This way, there is a healthy environment where each other can be a motivation.
You can read about the challenge from the creator on his medium post. You can join me in this challenge here: 100DaysOfCode
Another useful thing about the challenge is that you are going to keep a journal of our progress. It is a valuable tool to gauge our performance, analyse and improve it.